
Me and the Lord had a couple of days away and He showed me so much.  Here’s a poem I wrote about one of the things He showed me:


A life drawn with pencil

So it could be rubbed out


With only three colours

To lay on my page:



Black; dying soul, destroyed by others

Red; bleeding heart, bleeding wrist, life source dripping away

Grey; creeping sighs and mist covered everything











I am no longer THAT


Colours galore, colours true

Colours fresh, colours new


A life full of colours, full of laughter

With permanent marker, for ever and after


I’m no longer bound by black, red and grey

I’m free, I’m alive, with new colours each day


As you look at my pages

My life 2D

The change in colours

Is astonishing to see


Where once there was pencil

And black, red and grey

There is now a rainbow

New day by day


The colours of life and freedom and hope

Of love and of beauty and learning to cope

Of kindnesses offered and given away

Of Light and of Mercy and new Grace everyday

To My Beautiful Daughter

The world will tell you that your value is dependant

On things like your looks or the shape of your body

That your happiness comes through the things you buy

Or the boys…

…you date


It will try to undermine you at every turn

And try to ensure it’s lies that you learn


It will tell your worth can be bought

In a pot of make up and the looks of men


Because you are female its expectations of you will shrink

It will box you and squash you and tell you not to think


Your womanhood will be demeaned and made something weak

It’ll tell you it’s a marriage and a child you seek


But listen to me lovely, don’t believe what it says


The world belongs to a liar you see

And the lies that he sells are cheap and worthless


The world lies because the truth holds such hope

If it squashes you down, then it can stay in control

But listen my daughter and hear the truth


You are utterly precious

And so so so strong

Your womanhood’s to be proud of

Not a shameful thing

Your value’s inherent

It cannot be sold or bought

It’s everything that makes you the person you are


You can be single and be successful

You can be child-free and be satisfied

You can be married and live life to the full

You can have children, if that’s what you choose

But know you have choices, that are only yours

And strength in abundance to do what you choose

There are no boxes in which you have to fit

There are no places in which you have to sit



Hear me when I say it’s hard to live out the truth

Because many people still believe the lies

They’ll ignore you, resist you and tell you you’re wrong

But I know you can make it, I know that you’re strong


Daughter you’re precious, precious beyond words

I love you, I love you






I am a woman

I’m a woman is all, a woman I say

Does that make me not good enough,

To be given the time of day?


“No”, say You, “You’re a child of God.”

“Great!” say I, “thank you Lord!”


So I grow in that knowledge

That I’m loved by God on high

Told that I’m good enough

For Him to come and die


And I start to notice

That everywhere I go

I’m taking the lead

Helping run the show


And I hear the voice of the One who loves me

Saying I want you to lead My people

“No!” says I, “I can’t do that”

“Yes!” says He, “I’ll help you out”

“You see” says He,

“It’s not you, but Me.”

“In you and through You, I’ll bring forth the Kingdom”

“Just like Mary, who said ‘may it be done’”

“Alright” says I, “that sounds not too bad,

But only if it’s You in me and through me.”


So I start doing this leading,

Obedient to the calling of the Almighty

I get so far, then suddenly I’m told

I don’t qualify


“What?!” Says I, “Have I done something wrong?”

“No!” They say, “But you’re not a man.”


But God told me I’m actually worth loving

And God called me to lead His people

God said He would work in me and through me

Just like He did with Mary,

and Mary

and Martha

and Junia

and Deborah

and Priscilla

and those daughters of Zelophehad


So I’ll still lead and follow God’s call

No matter whether you tell me I fail the man test

But I’ll cry and hurt that some fellow believers

Tell me I’m just not good enough